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Chrome OS

These instructions explain how to connect a Chrome OS device to the eduroam wireless network.

Connecting to eduroam
  1. Download the eduroam setup file.
  2. The installer will then be downloaded to your device. Open a new tab on your browser and type in chrome://network/#general or if the first one does not work type in chrome://net-inernals/#chromeos
  3. Tap the 'Choose File' button under 'Import ONC file'... ... and select the .onc file you downloaded earlier.
  4. Click on Open. You won't see any confirmation that the import has been successful, but the settings should have been updated
  5. You should now be able to connect to eduroam by tapping on 'Settings', then 'Wi-Fi', then choose eduroam
  6. Enter your username and password. Your username is your College username with on the end (e.g. The password is your College password.
  7. Your device is now connected to eduroam.

If you cannot connect/browse, check that:

  1. The wireless functionality in your computer is enabled.
  2. You are at a location with good signal strength.
  3. You have remembered to add to the end of your username.
  4. You are typing your College password correctly.

These instructions will only work if you have a WFCG username - if you are from a different organisation, you will need to refer to your home organisation for the correct instructions.

If you require further assistance, please contact the IT Helpdesk.