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Acceptable Use Policies

All eduroam sites have signed up to a uniform Acceptable Use Policy which applies even when using the service at your home institution. Each organisation within eduroam is likely to have their own Conditions of Use which must also be complied with. The eduroam (UK) AUP and the relevant WFCG Terms and Conditions are given below:

  1. Staff are responsible for adhering to the Staff Acceptable Use of Computer Systems Agreement.
  2. Students are responsible for adhering to the Students’ Acceptable Use of Computer Systems Agreement.
  3. Use of eduroam is subject to the JANET Acceptable Use Policy (AUP),the JANET Security Policy and the JANET eduroam Policy
  4. By using the service users are deemed to have read the JANET eduroam Policy and agree that they will abide by the terms of the policy.
  5. In event of difficulties, the eduroam service guidance states that “the user’s home site Helpdesk should be the first point of contact”.